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pitch.Me is the first professional social network where charities win.

pitch.Me is a professional social network. When someone wants to connect with you, they can make a donation to your favorite charity in exchange for a 15 minute, in-app call.

How it works:

- Build a profile and select from over 2+ million charities!

- Use your profile to make and receive introductions from professionals willing to donate to your favorite charity in exchange for a 15-minute in-app call.

- Use pitch.Me Search as a new way to find and introduce yourself to prospects or influencers in your area of interest.

- By sending a conversation request to another user on pitch.Me, you agree to make a predetermined donation to their selected charity. The donation happens seamlessly when the call actually occurs.

- Post needs for specific products, services or other people you are interested in speaking with.

- Set alerts to be notified when other users post a need that matches your criteria based on products, service, role, geo or company.

How People Use pitch.Me:

- Business owners and executives are using pitch.Me as a gatekeeper for incoming sales and marketing requests. The next time someone asks for a few moments of your time, ask them to meet you on pitch.Me!

- Sales professionals have a new and respectful way to prospect people and opportunities; by agreeing to make a donation and respectfully requesting someone’s time.

- Influencers and thought-leaders use pitch.Me to be available to their friends, fans and followers in a new, meaningful way. Give them access to pick your brain in a fun way that benefits the charity you care about most.

About Us:

pitch.Me is a professional social network that serves as an introduction engine, and the marketplace for human attention. We believe we are reinventing the way people connect. By simply making a donation to someones favorite charity, you’re telling them you value their time and attention. Sending a Conversation Request to another user is free. The donation occurs when the Conversation Request has been accepted by the recipient, and the call has begun. We believe that people should be able to leverage their influence for impact and benefit the cause they care about most. Whether it’s to do business, network, exchange ideas, access influencers and thought-leaders or even to trade advice, having a conversation on pitch.Me is the most socially responsible way to connect.

You win. They win. Charities win.